
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The Day After {365 - Day 361}

SB partied hard yesterday. I thought she'd want to sleep in, but no dice.  She was up at 7:20 looking for her barbies.  We went out to breakfast and came home to spend the rest of the day inside at Grandma's house, as the weather was cold and wet.  Not that Sarah Beth noticed.  She had the best day playing with Grandma on the floor.  Legos, dolls, games.  Poor Grandma didn't get a break all day, except for when Grandpa took the remote control car for a spin in the living room, Sarah Beth chasing behind it.

Here she is in a rare quiet moment with her new doll.  "Big Baby" as she calls her.  She just put her doll in the time out chair and was explaining how she needed to be a good girl as she fixed her hair.

Day 361 {iPhone}

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