
Thursday, November 15, 2012

Artwork. {365 - Day 320}

The best part of Sarah Beth being in preschool, other than me having a few hours a week to get stuff done, is the artwork she brings home.  Almost every day, her book bag is stuffed with paintings, drawings, collages, watercolors.  It is so much fun to see what she has created and even more fun to hear the pride and excitement over her works of art.  "Mommy  I MADE this for you!"  Melts my heart.  We have to put up an art gallery somewhere to display her creations.  I bought a frame so we can hang one in her room - we just can't decide on which piece to bestow this honor.  We have decided, however, that the tie-dye turkey below will going to Grandma's for Thanksgiving.  I think she'll love it. 

Day 320 {iPhone}

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