
Monday, October 8, 2012

Jersey Shore. {365 - Day 282}

I headed back to Charlotte this afternoon, after a long weekend of sad tears and familial hugs at the passing of my beautiful Grandma. But before I left my home state, I took a quick ride down to the beach to stick my feet in some cool Jersey sand.  And by cool I mean freezing - it was about 45 degrees out.  A far cry from the 80 degree day we had on Friday.  It was worth cold toes and a cold nose, however, to sit a few minutes and listen to the waves crash on this peaceful, lovely morning.  What a wonderful way to start the day.

Day 282 {iPhone}

I love living North Carolina, but there is something so comfortable about going back to your roots, spending time with old friends at familiar places.  I'm already looking forward to our next visit to the Jersey Shore, only next time under happier circumstances and maybe some warmer temperatures.

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