
Friday, July 6, 2012

Flip Flops. {365 - Day 188}

Today was one of those days that blew by so quickly, next thing I knew it was 7:30 at night.  I hadn't even thought about today's photo.  Crud.  I've surprisingly had very few of those days.  We are much less boring than I thought.  Today though, was pretty uneventful.  So....I grabbed a camera and walked outside in search of something interesting.  Not a whole lot going on in yard, so I shot down at my feet and kinda liked the perspective.  Then I had a little fun in Photoshop and presto,  my pic of the day was complete.

These are my rainbows.  Far past their prime.  My husband mocks them all the time because the soles are peeling away and they look pretty shabby, but they are sooooo comfortable.  I think they can last one more season before I have to get out the duct tape.

Day 188 {Canon 5D Mk III + Photoshop}

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