
Friday, June 8, 2012

Ssshhh. {365 - Day 160}

This morning I took Sarah Beth to the spraygrounds at a local park to cool off.  She ran around like a total maniac for over an hour, splashing and giggling to her heart's content.  After that, we went for ice cream instead of eating lunch, because sometimes, you just need ice cream.

We got home just in time to join Daddy on some errands.  I'm not sure if we even left the driveway before tinkerbell fell asleep.  This is us waiting in the parking lot while Daddy ran into a store.  Her  fifteen minute nap, by the way, pushed her bedtime back 2 hours.  She's still up at 10PM.  This is why napping is not encouraged in this house. For almost 3 year olds, anyway.  Mommy would love to take a nap.  Someday...

Day 160 {iPhone + photoshop}

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