
Friday, May 18, 2012

Hello Duck. {365 - Day 139}

We went to the park today.  After a good romp on the playground, Sarah Beth wanted to see the ducks.  As we walked over to where the ducks congregate, one of them waddled right over to us and quacked hello.  He was the friendliest duck I have ever met. 

The poor guy had a bum wing, so I wonder if he depends on humans to feed him.  I know you're not really supposed to feed the ducks, but he was looking at us with these big ducky eyes and holding out his busted wing, so, call us suckers, we shared our snacks.  He ate right out of Kurt's hand.  Today was one of those days I wished I had my "real" camera.  The Elph isn't fast enough to catch a moving duck. 

Day 139 {Canon Elph + Photoshop}

 There were baby ducks swimming about today.  So stinkin' cute.

Sarah Beth took this one all by herself.  Impressive for a 2.5 year old.  I didn't know she understood composition and leading lines but she did a great job.  Now that she's mastered keeping her fingers from covering the lens, she's unstoppable.  

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