
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Sad Face. {365 - Day 38}

Sarah Beth was a bit whiny this morning which is unusual.  She wanted to sit on the couch and watch "Classical Baby" this afternoon, but I persuaded her to go to the playground.  She pepped up and plunged feet first into the sandbox for some messy playtime.  After 20 minutes though, she stopped and just sat there sucking her thumb, looking at me.  (Ick! ick! Sandy thumb in mouth!)  I scooped her up and sat her on the picnic table to apply hand sanitizer and see if she wanted a snack.  No.  No snack, no water, just more thumb and the saddest face ever.

Playtime over, we headed to Trader Joes for a quick stop.  I knew something was drastically wrong when she turned down free samples AND stickers.  Uh-oh.  She fell asleep on the way home and took a long nap on the couch.  I sure hope she's not getting ill.  It's awful when our little ray of sunshine is sick.  The only good thing that comes out of it is lots of extra snuggle time.  Keeping our fingers crossed she sleeps well tonight and wakes up feeling her usual smiley self!

Day 38 {Canon Elph + Photoshop}

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