
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Biker Babe. {365 - Day 46}

So Valentine's Day didn't end exactly as I had planned.  Sarah Beth woke up around 11PM with the dreaded croupy cough.  The kind of cough that makes you want to run with your sad baby to the nearest ER.  We steamed her in the bathroom a few times and that seemed to help, but we slept with SB in our bed with all our clothes on in case we needed to hightail it down the street to the hospital. 

Needless to say, today we spent most of the day on the couch.  She is still a little sick, but after a 2 hour nap this afternoon, I thought some fresh air would do her good, especially since it was the most beautiful day ever - 65 degrees and sunny.  Amazing.  She donned her raincoat (her choice) and Kurt pushed her around on her sassy pink tricycle.  Here she is giving me her best bad-girl biker face.

Day 46 {Canon 7D.  Lens flare courtesy of gorgeous sunlight.}

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