
Friday, January 6, 2012

Salt. {365 - Day 6}

Our rousing start to Potty Training fizzled out today.  Sarah Beth woke up with a cold and felt pretty cruddy.  I didn't think it was wise to drag her to the potty every hour in her weakened condition, so we spent most of the day watching movies on Netflix. 

I fixed macaroni for lunch - her favorite when she's under the weather.  Apparently, she thought it needed more salt.  I ran down to put laundry in the dryer and returned to this.  She had dragged a chair to the counter to grab the salt, opened it and poured the entire thing over her pasta.  What does that say about my cooking, I wonder?

Day 6 {Canon Elph plus a little Photoshop for pizazz}

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