
Monday, December 3, 2012

What a day. {365 - Day 338}

Today was my Grandma's birthday.  She would have been 90.  And it was a beautiful glorious day here for her.  Sun shining, temperatures in the mid-seventies.  I whispered happy birthday to her as I put on her ring and necklace this morning.  I have sent her flowers every year on her birthday for a while now.  When the email reminder came up this year on her birthday, it hurt my heart a little, until I decided to continue sending them anyway to honor her spirit.  This year, to my Mom.  Next year, maybe to someone else who needs a smile.  I know Grandma would love this idea.

To celebrate this gorgeous day, Sarah Beth and I went to the playground early.  It was packed with kids enjoying the unseasonably warm weather.  Sarah Beth asked me to make a leaf pile for her to jump in.  She hopped in with both feet and flung leaves in the air, laughing her silly cackling 3 year old laugh as they fell all over her dress. Striped leggings underneath, but a dress nonetheless.  Great-Grandma would approve. 

Day 338 {iPhone}

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