
Thursday, December 20, 2012

The Best Gifts. {365 - Day 355}

I tried to jam an entire season of Christmas shopping into one day and failed miserably.  I don't know how it ended up being December 20th already.  As I ran around, trying to figure out what to give everyone and getting all stressed out on a dreary day in the middle of a crowded shopping center, I remembered that while I love to give gifts with thought and meaning behind them, the most important thing is that we are together.  Toys break, sweaters wear out, books are read and then stacked on shelves, but memories of Sarah Beth's wonder as she sees Grandma and Grandpa's tree, her conspiring smile as we leave out milk and cookies for Santa, and her pride as she reminds us to say the blessing at dinner will be the most precious Christmas gifts of all. 

Day 355 {iPhone + Photoshop}

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