
Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas! {365 - Day 360}

Christmas started at 7AM here.  It was gloomy out so it seemed even earlier. But SB was ready to party to we got up to check out what Santa left her.  She was enchanted by the tree and wasn't sure where to start.  She got over that quickly though, and made short work of her presents, creating a wrapping paper explosion in the living room.  Favorite gift?  It's a tie between the remote control car and her Disney Princess Barbies.  She is sleeping with the Barbies right now.  She would have slept with the car too but Mommy had to draw the line somewhere.  Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!

Day 360 {Canon 5D Mark III by Kurt + Photoshop}

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