
Monday, November 12, 2012

Sweet Tooth {365 - Day 317}

Cookie and candy product shoot part two today.  Let me say, it's hard to handle a photo shoot of this nature when you're three.  I'm talking about the girl who went into the pantry this morning and ate a cookie for breakfast before Mommy got out of bed.

While I was prepping the product, she was pulling everything out of the bag saying Mom take a picture of this, take a picture of this! with the hope, I believe, that when the shooting was over, the eating would begin.  Not all this waiting.  I did let her sample the merchandise a little.  The rest of that sugary goodness mysteriously disappeared while she wasn't looking. If she finds this stash, breakfast tomorrow will be a disaster.

Day 317 {Canon 5D Mark III + Photoshop}

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