
Monday, November 26, 2012

Girls Gone Wild. {365 - Day 330}

Today we took a girls' trip to the WNC Nature Center.  We've been before and loved it.  I think I may love it even more than Sarah Beth.  I can't decide which is more fascinating, the cougars or the wolves.  They are both so beautiful and powerfully graceful.  This wolf decided to pose for us in the window. 

Day 330 {Canon 5D Mark III}

It's riveting the way they stare at you as if to say, I am smarter and faster than you and I could eat you for dinner if this fence weren't here.

 The cougars gave off a similar vibe.  They pace, back and forth, their huge paws not making a sound as they swish by.

This little bobcat was pretty cute too.

 This girl loved seeing all the animals, but the best part of the trip was spending time with Grandma.

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