
Monday, November 19, 2012

Frothy. {365 - Day 324}

SB and I hit Whole Foods today to pick up cookies for her class party tomorrow.  You have to bring in store bought - no homemade anything (allergies and whatnot) so I thought we'd avoid the dyes and preservatives and get some with ingredients I can pronounce.   We've only been to Whole Foods a few times but to Sarah Beth,  Whole Foods = Gelato.  That's what she wanted for lunch.  I thought it would be good to eat some actual Food first, so we got an assortment of salads from the cold bar. 

She ate a sufficient amount and then told me it was Gelato time.  Who am I to argue.  She picked out Chocolate (Brown) and I got a Latte.  I have not totally bought into the Whole Foods hype, but I will admit that this was the best Latte I have ever had.  So frothy  that my stirrer stuck straight up like it was standing in a bowl of greek yogurt.  Well done, Whole Foods barista!  You may make me a fan of the place yet.

Day 324 {iPhone + photoshop}

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