
Thursday, November 8, 2012

All Hail the Queen {365 - Day 313}

Today I went to the airport.  I had the pleasure of taking photos of a soldier's homecoming at the request of his girlfriend.  He was returning after a year long deployment to Afghanistan.  It was an honor to be present for such a happy occasion.

After I watched them go, I strolled over to say hello to Queen Charlotte, the large bronze statue that watches over the airport from her perch 25 feet in the air.  She is supposed to represent flight and wind, her arm outstretched and her dress billowing in the breeze.  Her complexion has seen better days after 30 or so years in the elements, but I still like seeing her there to greet me, especially today against the backdrop of an impossibly blue sky.

Day 313 {Canon 5D Mark III}

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