
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Autumn Leaves. {365 - Day 291}

Fall is here in the mountains.  I love this time of year.  You can wear jeans and a sweater or shorts and a t-shirt and be completely comfortable either way.  This afternoon, I took advantage of Grandma's free babysitting service and took a solo drive through Pisgah up to the Blue Ridge Parkway.  So pretty it just takes your breath away.

Day 291 {Canon 5D Mark III}

Prior to my field trip, we all took a drive up to Sky Top Orchards to check out the apples, and by apples I mean apple cider doughnuts.  There was a play area for Sarah Beth and we also took a very bumpy hayride through the trees,  passing by pretty scenery and lots of happy farm animals.  We all survived the ride (some of us better than others) and finished off the visit with some aforementioned doughnuts and cider.  Is this a happy girl or what?


Check out this handsome guy.

Grandma bravely volunteered to take a rare photo of me and my girl.  Good job Grandma!

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