
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Raptors {365 - Day 271}

Tonight, the Raptor Center held a ribbon-cutting ceremony for friends & family to introduce their new owl forest. We love the Raptor Center, so we sprayed ourselves down with bug spray and headed into the forest to join the party.

We were greeted by this guy.   It's hard to believe that there are cruel people in the world that shoot at these magnificent creatures.

 Day 271 {Canon 5D Mark III}

Then we ventured into the new Owl Forest.

 The owls have brand new spacious homes.

And there was a cool kids' art area, where Sarah Beth created this masterpiece on the right.  
(Okay, Mommy helped just a little.)

 Sarah Beth enjoyed running around, and we loved visiting the birds.  We'll be back again soon!

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