
Saturday, April 14, 2012

Easy Rider. {365 - Day 105}

What a beautiful day.  It seemed like the whole city of Charlotte was taking advantage of the amazing weather.  We took a walk at the park and then stopped in at Loco Lime for lunch.  De-lish.  There's something luxurious about having Sangria in the middle of the day.  It's like a mini-vacation.

After our decadent lunch, we stopped in at the bike shop to pick up a kiddie seat for Sarah Beth.  While we were there, SB kicked some tires and checked out the selection.

We found a seat which unfortunately didn't fit on Daddy's fancy full suspension bike, so it looks like SB will be Mommy's copilot tomorrow when we hit the open road (well, the dirt trail at the park.)  We did a test ride on the driveway and she thought it was lots of fun.  Hoping she likes it just as much tomorrow and won't want to "get out and walk, Mommy" like she's been known to do with the jogging stroller.  Wish us luck!

Day 105 {iPhone + instagram}

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