Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Sunset. {365 - Day 4}

This is the view from the window over my kitchen sink.  Every night we are treated to beautiful sunsets, perfectly framed in our window.  Our house is a 1960's brick ranch with a walk out basement, so our kitchen is really on the second floor.  With 35 hardwood trees on our property, it's like being in a treehouse.  We love it, except during leaf raking and tree banding season.  (Charlotteans, you know how much fun tree banding is.) 

Tonight's sunset was beautiful - the clouds looked like they were on fire.  I must admit, I usually just catch glimpses of it while cooking dinner, but tonight I stood and watched so I could capture this photo.   I even pulled a chair over for my daughter so she could stand up and see it too.  Sometimes it's awfully nice just to stop what you're doing and see the beauty right outside your window.

Day 4 {Canon 7D}

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