
Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year! {365 - Day 1}

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season!  Seeing how quickly 2011 slipped by, I am inspired to savor  2012 and capture a little moment of each day with my own 365 project.  I've seen others do this but never thought I could commit to taking a photo every single day.  My husband gave me a great gift, however, that will help me with this goal - a cute little point and shoot camera that is small enough to carry in my pocket.

While I love my "big girl" camera, I can't lug it around with me everywhere I go.  In fact, I have a rule that I never have my camera and my daughter out alone with me at the same time - too much responsibility and potential for disaster, so having a small camera that won't cost me a huge deductible on my insurance if damaged will be a great tool for my 365.

The plan is to post my photo project here.  I may group some together, but by the end of the year, I should have a daily photo journal of 2012 and will be a stronger photographer too!  So here's my first entry:

Day 1  {iPhone "Hipstamatic" App}

My sassy Baby New Year after a morning bath posing in her diaper and Mommy's old clear acrylic beaded necklace. 

Wishing everyone a wonderful new year full of possibilities, adventure, good health and happiness!

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