
Friday, January 13, 2012

A Girl and her Dog {365 - Day 12}

Today's photo is a series of 4 pictures.  (I want you to remember that in case I ever falter and miss a day this year - I've got extra credit stored up.)  Yes, our back door needs a serious paint job.  It's on the list, trust me.  Right behind installing crown moulding and cleaning out the closets, which means it may never happen.  But it is on the list.

This afternoon the sun actually came out for a few minutes, so I rushed Sarah Beth and the dogs outside for some fresh air before the weather got icky again.  Our dogs are the biggest couch potatoes.  As soon as they go outside, they want to come back in and lounge around on their comfy beds.  Lazy. 

So it was no surprise that a few minutes into our playtime in the yard, Savannah, our beagle mutt, was at the door ready to go inside.  Sarah Beth soon joined her.  She first stood there with the watering can she had been dragging around the patio.   

Day 12 {Canon 7D}

Then she told Savannah in a very serious and calm tone to wait there, she would get Daddy.

She tried the doorknob while simultaneously yelling "Dad-deeeeeeeee" at the top of her lungs, hoping he'd come to the rescue.

Daddy was busy apparently.  So they waited.  And waited.  Until Mommy gave in and let the squatters inside.  So much for fresh air.


  1. it really is impossible to pick, but number 4 is my favorite. God I wish I could have 10 of them. why do they grow up so fast.

  2. This is my favorite entry so far! I love that she talks to Savannah!!
