
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Birthday Cake! {365 - Day 31}

Holy shmoly, I made it a whole month without missing a day!  I didn't quite realize how much work it would be to post a daily photo, but it's also been a lot of fun.  It makes me notice how quickly a day goes by and then it's gone.  All we have left is the memory and maybe a photo or two.  I already know that the photo album I create of these daily photos is going to be one of my most favorite things.

On to today's photo.  Tomorrow is my husband Kurt's Birthday.  And when there's a birthday, there must be cake.  So Sarah Beth and I got busy.  She is an excellent helper, especially when it comes to tasting frosting.  Or is it icing?  Whatever you call it, SB was on top of it.  I let her "test" the cream cheese before tossing it in the mixer.  She wholeheartedly approved.

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