
Wednesday, October 19, 2011


This weekend I had the pleasure of meeting sweet baby Eli.  My friend Emily and her husband Scott adopted this precious boy when he was born, and in my completely unbiased opinion, they make an absolutely beautiful family.  He is such a happy baby, flashing those sweet little dimples when he smiles.  There is lots of love in this family and it shows.  Oh and kisses.  Lots of baby cheek kisses going on here.  How could anyone resist those cheeks?  Here's the preview:  (Click on image to see it larger.)


Eli's pretty cousins came to visit.  How cute are they?

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

I Heart Faces: Hands

The photo challenge theme at I Heart Faces this week is "Raise Your Hands."  This photo immediately sprung to mind - one of my favorites from this year.  Sweet little Ben resting comfortably in his Daddy's hands.

Head on over to I Heart Faces for many more beautiful, funny and inspiring images.